We help you improve your operations by evaluating gut health:
- Analysis services
- Development of a program adapted to your needs
- Monitoring the implementation success
Gut health is a main concern in the poultry and livestock industries as it is crucial for the performance, general health and welfare of production animals.
Proper functioning of the digestive tract is essential to ensure that the production of meat, eggs and milk is up to the genetic standard of the animals; to optimize FCR; to prevent digestive diseases including leaky gut; to maintain egg quality; and to avoid the spread of pathogenic microorganisms present in feces to other animals in the same batch or the following batches.
On the other hand, gut health is related to the general health and welfare of the animals, to air quality and to certain diseases that happen outside the digestive system, such as colibacillosis, bacterial chondronecrosis with osteomyelitis (poultry), postpartum dysgalactia syndrome (sows), fatty liver and ketosis (ruminants).
For all the above, maintaining and strengthening gut health is key for the success of poultry and livestock operations.
Gut health covers three main aspects of the digestive system: the macro and microstructural integrity and physiology of tissues; the balance of the digestive flora; the state of the local immune system.
Since the mid-twentieth century, growth-promoting antibiotics (AGP) have been fed at subtherapeutic doses and for much of the life of animals to maintain digestive health. Since 2006, when the EU banned their use, the industry is moving globally towards their reduction or elimination.
From the European experience, we have learned that no additive alone is a complete substitute for AGPs. Management practices, environmental conditions, biosecurity, chick quality, water quality, health and feeding programs – all of these factors play an important role in gut health and need to be paid more attention.
At the same time, the use of innovative ingredient combinations that address all three aspects of digestive health is key to achieving highly profitable production without the use of antibiotic growth promoters.
Whether you want to reduce or eliminate antibiotic growth promoters or improve the productivity and health of your animals, we offer you the right solution for each species and age.
At PlusVet Animal Health we have a comprehensive view of the importance of the digestive system, so we have designed our products and programs to act on the three aspects of a healthy gut. This holistic design makes our products radically different from others on the market.
In our gut health products, we include:
Our offer consists of a unique set of products, adapted to each species and given through drinking water or through feed. Their efficacy is baked by multiple field trials and customer success cases.
With our solutions, not only it is possible to replace AGPs successfully, but you can also observe:
DigestoCid©, innovative acidifier in liquid containing organic acids, phytogenics and medium chain fatty acids. Intended for poultry, rabbits and swine.
PlusProtect Digestive©, oral emulsion containing microbiocide and prebiotic phytogenics. Intended for poultry and rabbits.
SupraPlus©, oral emulsion containing essential oils, prebiotics, electrolytes and vitamin E. Intended for poultry, rabbits, swine and ruminants.
GrowthPlus©, premix powder that includes phytogenics, organic acids and mycotoxin binders, to be added to poultry, rabbit and aquaculture feeds.
ActiPlus©, oral emulsion with essential oils, prebiotics, electrolytes and vitamin E. To be given directly into the mouth of the animal.
SupraPlus©, oral emulsion containing essential oils, prebiotics, electrolytes and vitamin E. Intended for poultry, rabbits, swine and ruminants.
DigestoCid©, innovative premium acidifier in liquid containing organic acids, phytogenics and medium chain fatty acids. Intended for poultry and swine.
PigletPlus©, premix powder, based on phytogenics, organic acids and mycotoxin binders, to be added to feeds intended for swine.
ReproPlus©, premix powder, based on phytogenics, organic acids and mycotoxin binders, to be added to feeds intended for gestating and lactating sows.
PhytoLat©, premix powder, based on phytogenics, organic acids and mycotoxin binders, to be added to feeds intended for ruminants.
GrowthPlus©, premix powder that includes phytogenics, organic acids and mycotoxin binders, to be added to poultry, rabbit and aquaculture feeds.
AroMar©, highly concentrated premix powder, based on phytogenics and organic acids, to be added to aquaculture feeds.
PhytoAqua©, highly concentrated oral emulsion, based on phytogenics and medium chain fatty acids, to be added to aquaculture feeds, ponds or water tanks.
We help you improve your operations by evaluating gut health:
Certain health statements may not be applicable in your region.