Essential oils, vitamin E, carriers.
Poultry, rabbits, ruminants and pigs of all ages.
Oral emulsion to be added to drinking water or to be sprayed to the environment of the farm.
PlusBreathe© contains essential oils with natural antiseptic, antioxidant, expectorant and mucolytic activities. It has a refreshing taste.
It is used to improve the functioning of the respiratory system and to mitigate heat stress in birds, ruminants, pigs and rabbits of all ages. It can also be sprayed in the environment of the farm.
PlusBreathe© is used during moments of risk:
PlusBreathe© is also used during respiratory diseases, together with the appropriate pharmaceutical products, to give a feeling of comfort and easy breathing, reducing stress and promoting feed intake and productivity.
PlusBreathe© is used in episodes of heat stress
During episodes of heat stress, PlusBreathe© works through two mechanisms of action:
With the administration of PlusBreathe© by drinking water or sprayed in the environment of the farm, feed intake recovers, productivity increases, mortality drops, and behaviour related to heat stress is ameliorated.
Bottles of 1 L.
Certain health statements may not be applicable in your region.