Essential oils; plant extracts; electrolytes; sugars; vitamin E; carriers.
All species and ages, especially pigs and ruminants during suckling and weaning periods; young poultry; birds affected by digestive diseases.
Oral emulsion to be added to drinking water.
SupraPlus© improves digestive health, preventing diarrhea and dehydration, during suckling (calves) and weaning (piglets, calves, and other ruminants) periods, young birds or poultry affected by diarrhea. It is also a natural growth promoter for all species.
SupraPlus© is formulated with synergistic ingredients:
- Bactericidal and fungicidal essential oils, that reduce the number of pathogenic microbes in the digestive system.
- Plant extracts with prebiotic effects, that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.
- Electrolytes to maintain hydration.
- Sugars that are quickly absorbed and can be easily used as an energy source.
- Vitamin E as an immune booster.
By using SupraPlus© in weaned piglets:
- Improves weight gain by 7-40% (depending on the duration of the administration)
- Boosts feed intake by 11% (on average).
- Reduces FCR by 16% (on average).
- Reduces the occurrence of diarrhea by 45% and decreases mortality by 75% (on average).
- Can replace antibiotic growth promoters and vitamin solutions given by drinking water.
- It is useful to restore loss of electrolytes after transport, digestive diseases, vomiting, heat stress, and stress in general.