A trial conducted in July 2020 in a commercial farm showed that the administration of DigestoCid© to caged broilers significantly improved their performance. Moreover, the use of the product increased the proportion of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.
Average results of 16 samples of the trial group and 5 samples of the control group.
The use of DigestoCid© in caged broilers improved performance parameters, mainly survivability, average weight at slaughter, FCR and European Index.
Besides, it increased the proportion of lactic acid bacteria (beneficial bacteria) in the flora of the ileum compared to potentially pathogenic groups (coliforms, total anaerobes, Clostridium perfringens).
DigestoCid© is intended as a water acidifier, water sanitizer and to improve gut health in poultry and pigs of all ages.
It contains:
DigestoCid© has a broader spectrum of action compared to products based solely on organic acids and allows superior antibacterial and antifungal effectiveness at a less acidic pH (5.5-6.5) than competitors.
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