The “in vitro” effectiveness of PlusProtect Digestive© against Salmonella confirmed | PlusVet Animal Health
Recently, the Laboratory of Poultry Disease of the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GDAAS), located in Guangzhou, South of China, carried out an in vitro trial that confirmed the effectiveness of PlusProtect Digestive© against Salmonella sp. The strain of Salmonella used in the test was isolated from the intestine of a Chinese local breed of broiler called “three-yellow chicken”. The conclusion obtained by the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences confirms the results achieved by our Product Development team in 2013 and supports the practical experiences that we have with PlusProtect Digestive© in the farms. Salmonella in poultry is a global problem. It is an important food-born pathogen at it has been proven that maintaining a healthy digestive system helps to reduce the contamination of meat and eggs, thus contributing to a safer food chain. Besides, Salmonella is transmitted vertically from hens to chicks, causing diseases and productive losses.
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The “in vitro” effectiveness of PlusProtect Digestive© against Salmonella confirmed

Recently,  the Laboratory of Poultry Disease of the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GDAAS), located in Guangzhou, South of China, carried out an in vitro trial that confirmed the effectiveness of PlusProtect Digestive© against Salmonella sp.

The strain of Salmonella used in the test was isolated from the intestine of a Chinese local breed of broiler called “three-yellow chicken”.

The conclusion obtained by the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences confirms the results achieved by our Product Development team in 2013 and supports the practical experiences that we have with PlusProtect Digestive© in the farms.

Salmonella in poultry is a global problem. It is an important food-born pathogen at it has been proven that maintaining a healthy digestive system helps to reduce the contamination of meat and eggs, thus contributing to a safer food chain.  Besides, Salmonella is transmitted vertically from hens to chicks, causing diseases and productive losses.

Inhibition of Salmonella enteriditis in Muller Hinton Agar medium, by PlusProtect Digestive© at a the following doses: 1 ml/litre, 0.5 ml/litre, 0.25 ml/litre, control.  Picture of the test carried out by our Product Development team in 2013.

Product of choice

PlusProtect Digestive© is intended for digestive health in birds and rabbits of all ages. It is formulated with synergistic ingredients:


  • Essential oils with bactericidal and fungicidal activity
  • Plant extracts with prebiotic effect.
  • Immunostimulant and antioxidant essential oils


PlusProtect Digestive© is useful to improve gut health in the following cases:


  • Candidiasis in beak, crop and gizzard
  • Bacterial infections in gizzard. In severe cases, it is better to give together with our PlusBind© line (mycotoxin binders)
  • Bacterial infections in the intestines (necrotic enteritis; E.coli; Salmonella sp.)
  • General digestive imbalances, such as feed passage.

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