Crop candidiasis, often referred to as ‘sour crop’ or ingluvitis, is an infection caused by the environmental yeast Candida albicans.
This condition is more prevalent in young birds and can be transmitted through various means such as an adult bird feeding a young one, contaminated environments, or water.
Candida can act as both a primary and secondary cause of crop infections. Normally present in small numbers within the bird’s digestive tract, an imbalance in bacterial populations can lead to an overgrowth of Candida.
Diets high in carbohydrates can further exacerbate this overgrowth. Additionally, immune system compromises due to diseases, stress, poor hygiene, or prolonged use of antibiotics and steroids can predispose birds to secondary Candida infections.
Clinical signs include lethargy, fluffed feathers, reduced appetite, vomiting, whitish fungal growths in the throat, delayed crop emptying, and a distended crop full of mucus.
While systemic infection spreading beyond the gastrointestinal tract is rare, it can occur, leading to Candida being found in the blood, organs, and bone marrow.
The farm had a history of candidiasis transmission between the breeders and the young pigeons.
To eliminate the problem, PlusProtect Digestive was used in breeder pigeons.
3 to 5 animals from each group were slaughtered before and after the trial and the appearanbce of the crop was observed.
By comparing pre- and post-treatment photographs, it is clear that PlusProtect Digestive effectively treats Candida albicans in breeding pigeons.
Under the same treatment duration and conditions, PlusProtect Digestive outperformed nystatin, with breeders noting better health in pigeons treated with PlusProtect Digestive.
PlusProtect Digestive© is intended for digestive health in birds and rabbits of all ages. It is formulated with synergistic ingredients:
PlusProtect Digestive© is useful to improve gut health in the following cases:
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